Fill out the form below with your wedding details to confirm event date availability, service details, pricing and other additional questions. Please feel free to include as much information as you want in our form to tell us more about you and your wedding! We are based out of Grand Rapids and proudly serve all couples throughout Michigan.
After your form has been received, Pineapple Punch Events will reach out with you to confirm availability and to potentially schedule a free consultation to discuss our services and how they might be incorporated into your wedding!
Pineapple Punch Events looks forward to hearing more about your wedding or special event!
We are still accepting 2023 with limited availability; for July, August, November and December only.
Our 2024 booking calendar is open!
We can’t wait to hear from you!
Pineapple Punch Events
Based out of Grand Rapids and serving all of Michigan!
Typical Business Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9 am-5 pm
Saturday-Sunday: By appointment
Photography: Amanda Dumouchelle of Inly Co. Wedding Photography.